Management Team

Ph.D Professor Ilie Bădescu

Scientific Secretary

Conf. Ph.D. Cristinel Pantelimon

Chief Accountant

Florin Irimiciuc

   Ilie Bădescu (born 9.05.1948) is Doctor in Sociology, University Professor and Researcher. He is the manager of the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy since 2002. As manager, he has been actively dedicated to the revitalization of the research on social problems in rural Romania, establishing and coordinating within the Institute the Laboratory of Rural Studies. He is the author of numerous studies, handbooks, monographies, encyclopedias and sociology treatises, among which Noologia. Knowledge of the Spiritual Order of the World (2002), Treaty of Geopolitics (2004), Encyclopedia of Universal Sociology (2005), Treaty of Rural Sociology (2009).

   Cristinel Pantelimon (born 23.03.1973). In construction.

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