Research Laboratory Applied Qualitative Methodology

Tenured Researchers
  • Ozana Cucu-Oancea (researcher second degree, Ph.D)
Associated Researchers and Contributors
  • Ismo Kantola (Ph.D, University of Turku, Finland)
  • Sorina Dumitrache (Ph.D, University of Bucharest)
  • Lucas Derks (Ph.D, The International Laboratory for Mental Space Research, the Netherlands)
  • Alexandru Ioan Manea (MD, clinical psychologist)
Research topics

   Developing and applying qualitative methodologies in areas, such as sociology of emotions, sociology of celebration, values sociology, sociology of the family / community; exploring and analyzing various personal documents; Grounded Theory methodology; secondary analysis of qualitative data; archiving qualitative data.

Brief Description

   The Laboratory aims to highlight and address topical issues in qualitative research, which are at the forefront of the international scientific community agenda: exploring, building and validating new qualitative methodologies; adjusting and applying qualitative methodologies for new areas of research; secondary analysis of qualitative data (ethical and methodological issues); designing and building a physical and electronic archive of qualitative data (ethical and methodological issues) in order to affiliation at the Romanian Social Data Archive (RODA); familiarizing with the use of various types of software for qualitative data (Atlas.ti, NVivo, Maxqda etc.); training specialists in the field of qualitative data handling (preservation, archiving, primary and secondary analyzing) and creating a research network for the development of this area.

Research Programs
  • 2014-2016 - New methodologies to aproach social phenomenon in qualitative research
  • 2017-2019 - Qualitative methods and research techniques

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