Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy, director of the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy since 2002. He was actively involved in the revitalization of research dedicated to the Romanian rural environment, establishing and coordinating within the Institute the Department of Communities and Rural Development. He is the author of numerous studies, manuals, monographs, encyclopedias and sociological treatisese.
She holds a PhD in Information and Communication Sciences (Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2006), and joined the Institute of Sociology in 2009, where she coordinates SERL (Social Europe Research Laboratory). Is the author of numerous studies in media-communication, sociology of communication, sociology of human rights and memory studies. Since 2014, she supervises doctoral dissertations in Sociology at the Doctoral School in International Relations and Security Studies (Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca). Founding member of the francophone international research network
Discours d`Europe and Boarding Member of
Institute for the Study of the Idea of Europe (ISIE, University of East Anglia, UK).
Coordinator of the “Romanian Observatory on Homicide Studies and Prevention” and of the national research group of the “European Observatory on Femicide”. She has over 25 years of research experience in national and international projects in the field of sociology of crime and criminology. Since 2019 she has been a coordinating professor at the School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy.
Areas of specialization: homicide, femicide, homicide-suicide, migration and crime, restorative justice
Professor at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences. Coordinator of Debating Migration as a Public Problem: National Publics and Transnational Fields (Peter Lang, 2018). Experience as visiting professor at IEP Lyon, invited researcher at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme within the DEA - Directeurs d'études associés program and post-doctoral researcher at advanced research institutes (New Europe College, Bucharest; FMSH-EHESS- CNRS, Paris; University of Bologna). He lectured at the University of Fribourg, and at the University of Cote d'Azur, Nice. Areas of interest: media and the construction of public issues, political communication, media/political discourse analysis, media and migration.
Doctor in sociology since 2010; member of the Social Europe Research Laboratory. Her domains of research include the study of "total institutions" and the sociology of human rights, both areas focusing mainly (but not exclusively) on the prison environment. The first axis of research was primarily developed in her doctoral and post-doctoral studies; the second one became subject of her scientific interest afterwards, both in relation to vulnerable social categories and to the study of media representations of the recent European past. Fields of expertise: social problems, total institutions, effects of imprisonment, pisoners’ rights, human rights, media representations of WW2
Lucian Dumitrescu is a law and sociology graduate. He started from rural studies and Romanian sociology to reach the sociology of international relations and macrosociology. He is researcher at the Romanian Academy for almost fifteen years and believes that only the researcher involved in a continuous learning process gets to knowledge. Postdoctoral graduate of the "Carol I" National Defense University, specializing in internal and international security theory. He holds a doctorate in philosophy and a doctorate in sociology from the University of Bucharest. Areas of interest::sociology of international relations, institutional sociology, macrosociology, historical sociology, Romanian sociology.
I hold a Ph.D. in Sociology (University of Bucharest, 2006) and I am a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy (since 1998), where I coordinate the Laboratory of Applied Qualitative Methodology (since 2011). People are my main point of interest, in life and my profession. As a sociologist, I believe that the complexity of manifestations within these microcosms is reflected more clearly around and during holidays (festive events), and can be captured more faithfully with the help of different types of personal documents from a longitudinal perspective. I also advocate for the need to archive qualitative data at the institutional level, as well as for greater openness regarding secondary analysis of this type of data.
Alumn of the Faculty of Philosophy - History of the University of Bucharest and doctor in social sciences. Her research interest falls, mainly, in understanding the religious phenomenon in Romania, through a complex, quantitative and qualitative approach. Various themes are analyzed in her publications: the history of the sociology of religions in Romania, religion during the communist regime, the evolution of religious beliefs and practices in communities of believers, religious freedom, religious visionaryism, the trends of religious affiliation in contemporary Romania, the problems of secularization or the future of religion.
Andreea Nicolaescu is part of the research team of the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy since 1999, currently working in the Laboratory of Sociology of Organizations.
Fields of specialization: Sociology of organizations (small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurship, innovation, knowledge economy, intensive-cognitive organizations, labor force, social dialogue).
Researcher, Doctor in Sociology, expert in Community Studies and Societal Security, Adela Șerban is a member of the research team of the Institute of Sociology since 2004. She hold Ph.D in sociology since 2006. She is a founder member and coordinator of the Research Laboratory on Social Theory, where is dedicated to the study of community structure and social morphology and new security analysis framework. Research experience in 28 national and international research projects. Author of the books: Societal security. Theoretical Framework (2008), Security and Societal Insecurity (2013).
Anca Velicu is interested in digital sociology, with a focus on children’ uses of digital technologies. Within this domain, she published on various topics such as digital technologies used in educational context, parental mediation and online risks. She has been involved in many national and international research projects and currently she is the national contact in the EU Kids Online research network. Apart from her interest in research, she is engaged in promoting media education and collaborates closely with Mediawise Society, hosting together with Nicoleta Fotiade Amprenta Digitală, a podcast for media education.
In progress
Researcher, PhD in Sociology, Veronica is coordinating Research Laboratory Political Sociology. She participated in projects regarding the analysis of socio- demographic indicators concerning Romania’s development, but also on disaster risk assessment, component of community vulnerability. She is the author of the books: “Frontiers and civilizations.The eastern frontier of the European Union: geopolitical and identity aspects” (RAO Publishing House, 2014) and “Romania in the context of the new pandemic crisis. Vulnerabilities, risk factors, threats. A socio- political radiography” (Pro Universitaria Publishing, 2021).
Researcher in the field of sociology of religion, since 2010 she is dedicated to the study of Vernacular Orthodoxy, with special attention paid to the religious phenomenon in the urban space. She addressed topics of the history of sociology and social history, especially regarding the social change in the urban space, the 19th-20th centuries. Member of several international professional societies and associations, she stood out in particular for her activity within the International Society of Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), where she is part of several working groups (Ritual Year, Popular Religion and the Francophone Group). In 2021, was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the company, currently serving her second term in this position:
PhD in sociology, with research interest in the field of sociology of language, capitalizing on the research direction opened by Traian Herseni. Her research interests fall mainly on social and symbolic functions of language, their role in strengthening social solidarity and the statal institutional response towards the mother tongue (examined mainly through the legislative indicator of language protection).
In progess
Iulian Apostu is doctor in sociology since 2010 and since 2016 he is a scientific researcher at the Institute of Sociology within the Romanian Academy. He is an associate professor at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work of the University of Bucharest. His scientific interests falls mainly in the field of sociology of the family and couple with a special focus on the problems related to the family, education and marital mediation. Within the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy, Iulian Apostu is the coordinator of the Research Laboratory "Sociology of the family and the married couple".
PhD, scientific researcher and member of the research team within the Institute of Sociology of the Romanian Academy. Research fields: sociology of religion, political sociology, noology. She authored the books: Comparative Noology of Jewish and Romanian People (2017) and Sociologia românească a manifestărilor spirituale (2017). She published a number of articles and studies regarding the spiritual and political dimensions of society. Member of the Research Laboratory on Political Sociology.
Ph.D in Sociology (University of Bucharest) and in Communication Sciences (Université de Bourgogne). Conducts research related to social and cultural history - tangible and intangible heritage, national museums; the recent past - Romanian plastic art, collectivization, IT isolationism; migration and the new diaspora; Asian studies (India, South Korea), media studies (online communities and social networks, ICT, AI and art), international political relations (Serbia).
In progress
In progress