Research Laboratory Sociology of organizations.
Intervention in enterprises and social dialogue

Tenured Researchers
  • Andreea Nicolaescu (researcher third degree)
Associated Researchers and Contributors
  • Cristina Leovaridis (Lecturer, Ph.D, SNSPA)
Research Topics

   Organizations, SMEs, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, training, entrepreneurial training, intensive-cognitive organizations, workforce, social dialogue.

Brief Description

   Laboratory aims to examine the status of various social processes and phenomena at the organizational level, type and nature of relationships within organisations, the causes and factors causing them and on this basis to assess the main trends. Our laboratory covers both fundamental and action research, by providing theoretical and empirical studies, but also scientific consulting on various social problems related to life and work within organisations. The main focus remains of inquiring the Romanian economic issues and the ways to reduce the existing gap with the developed economies

Research Programs
  • 2014-2016 - The Romanian SME Program. Evolution, opportunities and risks in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy
  • 2017-2019 - The labor market from the perspective of the Europe 2020 strategy

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