Research Laboratory Political Sociology

Tenured Researchers
  • Veronica Dumitraşcu (researcher, Ph.D.)
  • Madalina Măndiţă (research assistant, Ph.D)
Associated Researchers and Contributors
  • Robert Czulda (Assist. Prof. and PhD candidate, Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz)
  • Dragoş Dragoman (Professor, Ph.D., Departament of International Relations, political and security studies, University Lucian Blaga Sibiu)
  • Nicoleta Alexandru Caragea (Professor, Ph.D., Expert grade I A - methodogical research, The National Institute of Statistics and Ecological University of Bucharest).
  • Roxana Bratu (Ph.D student, University of Bucharest)
Research Topics

   Sociology of power relations; sociology of social and political change; social and political vulnerabilities; political leadership and participatory culture.

Brief Description

   The Laboratory was created from the need to study and research the political processes and phenomena, power relations, the study of political systems and regimes and their societal impact, as well as the relationship between the state and civil society. It is intended to carry out projects involving researchers, PhD students and post-doctoral students interested in the impact of political issues in society as a whole and for the individuals. The Laboratory focuses on the development of studies on political and geopolitical power relations. The team also analyzes political and social vulnerabilities of the Romanian society, the political leadership and participatory culture. The research’s themes meet the current challenges of the Romanian society, which are in continuous political and social changes. It is a new direction of research within the Institute that aims to address from a sociological point of view the major political problems of the Romanian society. The research team is interested to establish a network of researchers and specialists in the field of political sociology and to develop partnerships with other institutes, universities, foundations, associations in the country and abroad in order to carry out common projects.

Research Programs
  • 2017-2019 - Social and political vulnerabilities in contemporary Romanian society

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